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Robotics and 3PL: Everything You Need To Know


Primed by scenarios of science fiction, we have for many decades anticipated the era of robotics. Exciting as it may sound, robotics technology appears to be arriving slowly but surely in well-considered and cautious stages. From personal robots helping us with cleaning to commercial robots helping us with the manufacturing side of the supply chain, robotics has entered every arena including logistics. The reason? The urge to satisfy client needs, improve operations, and streamline services. Some of the key reasons why every prominent logistics firm would hire third-party logistics are because they expect efficiency, fluency, and accountability

As third party logistics providers tap into technology to enhance productivity across the organization, automation is making its mark. Technologies such as robotic process automation are helping the logistics industry to stay competitive by boosting productivity, eliminating manual tasks, and improving customer satisfaction. Such compelling benefits help reduce costs and offer services of value. Let’s have a look at some of the ways robotics is changing the logistics landscape:

1. Flexible Option for Brands

Robots are mobile, small and can be easily expanded into multiple operations. Robotics is especially useful during busy seasons when the demand is high and more efficiency is required in terms of operations.

For instance, robots that come with an articulated arm can handle thousands of packages in a day with the help of grippers and an integrated pneumatic system. These super-advanced robots work with little to no human intervention which, in turn, also addresses the core labour shortage issues. From trundling up to the racks, presenting the digital image of the required article along with other details including the quantity that is needed to be picked, picking it up to its final delivery to the packing station, robots conduct multiple operations with great ease.

2. Increased Productivity

One of the key benefits of robotics is increased productivity. With the help of robotics, businesses are able to reduce their training time and double their pick up rate. This helps lower the brand’s cost per unit while fulfilling twice as many orders.

3. More Engaging Work Environment

Working with robotics can improve the efficiency of employees to a considerable extent. Robots have an intuitive, easy to use user interface, can speak multiple languages, and replace the need to push heavy carts.

4. Increased Warehouse Safety

By taking over dangerous jobs that can put the workers at risk, robotics improves safety for workers. Robots can be used to get done hazardous parts of jobs such as getting inventory from heights or carrying heavy loads.

5. Higher Customer Satisfaction

Robots decrease the risk of human errors. This combined with increased delivery speed improves customer satisfaction which is critical for the growth of any business. Robots help turn warehouse ops into a competitive edge.

6. Automation of Processes

Besides better order fulfillment, robotics also affords workers more time to focus on customer experience. Robots automate processes such as packaging, follow up and communication, etc.

The Bottom Line:

The logistics industry is recognizing the need to bridge the gaps- internally between silos, systems, processes, and people and externally between suppliers and customers. With a problem-solving approach such as reducing manual tasks- 3 PLs are playing a pivotal role in resolving long-standing industry issues and improving their competitive positions. Be it warehouse for lease in India or any other, robotics enables the logistics businesses to have greater control over their operations and also, improves the internal systems so that productivity does not get compromised. From handling repetitive tasks, recording inventory, labeling, tracking inventory, scheduling routes, placing orders and deliveries, managing the staff and maintaining security in the warehouse, there is so much that can be done with an efficient robotic system in logistics.